picture of containers

You may have seen self storage units as you drive around, or you might have heard that someone you know has rented one. But have you ever stopped to think about why these places exist and whether you, too, may benefit from renting your own? We’re a little biased, sure, but we think there’s a lot to love about self storage sheds and their storage solutions.

Not convinced? Check out the eight best reasons to get one for yourself below. 


It Can Free Up Space

There’s been a big shift towards minimalist decor selections in recent years. And you can see why — if our surroundings impact our mental wellbeing, then it would be much nicer to have a clear, bright, and spacious environment rather than a dark and crowded environment. 

If you’re looking to create a more spacious home, then you’ll need to declutter your home. There’ll be many things that you can throw away or donate, but there’ll also be plenty of items that you want to keep because they have emotional or intrinsic value. If you don’t need those items regularly, then a storage unit is ideal because it’ll allow you to keep the goods safe and sound away from your property. 


Alleviate The Stress of Moving

They say that moving is one of life’s most stressful experiences. And if you’ve ever done it yourself, then you’ll know just how much truth there is in that statement. Storage units can help to alleviate some of the stress of moving by providing a temporary space for you to store your belongings. You’ll be able to slowly move your items from your home to the storage facility and then, in due time, once the move has been complete, from the storage facility to your new house. It can also provide relief if your closing date is delayed and you have to vacate your current premises before you can move into your new property.


Make Space For a Renovation

Is your home becoming a temporary building site because of a renovation or home addition? A storage unit can help to keep your valuable items safe and secure while the work is being completed. Removing all the bulky furniture before work begins won’t only ensure they’re kept free of damage during the work; it’ll make it easier for you and your contractors to do the work. Win-win!


You Can Travel 

Most people think that their extended travelling days are over once they’re homeowners. However, that is very much not the case. If you can take time off work — or work remotely — then it’s more than possible to pack your bags and venture off to distant lands for a while. How? By renting your home. A storage unit can come in extremely handy here, as it’ll allow you to remove as many personal possessions from your home as possible, allowing your temporary tenant to “move in” without feeling like your possessions are surrounding them. 

A self storage unit can also aid travellers if they have a window of time between moving out of one rental property and into another. You’d have to put your belongings somewhere; a storage unit provides a safe and secure place for you to do just that. 

storage shed

Time To Think 

A self storage unit provides something that we all need on occasion: time to think. If you’re in a transitionary period of your life, you may need to keep your options for a while. A storage unit buys time before you can figure out what you’re going to do with your possessions. You may decide to move into a property across town, or you might go travelling for six months. When you’re got storage covered, you’ll know that you have options without feeling that you have to take your possessions with you wherever you go. 


Look After Your Vehicle

You might love your old car, but if you’re not using it on a regular basis, then it could be taking up valuable space on your property. Plus, if it’s just sitting in your driveway, then it’ll be exposed to the elements, which will cause damage to the vehicle over time. You can keep your vehicle in tip-top condition by keeping it in a secure storage facility. When you figure out what you want to do with the car, you can simply pick it up. Easy! 


Business Solutions 

You need space to work. Alas, sometimes, it can begin to feel like we’re working in an overly-cluttered environment. And that isn’t only unenjoyable to do; it can also impact productivity. You can reclaim your work environment by getting a storage unit for your business. It’ll allow you to keep surplus office furniture, archived documents, and additional stock away from your facility. It’s a simple way to get all the benefits of moving to a bigger workplace without having to go through the steps of actually moving. 


It’s Freedom

The narrator in Fight Club says that possessions we own end up owning us. That might be a bit of an exaggeration, but you can see the point. If we have too many items, then they begin to weigh us down slightly. You could simply give away all your possessions, but the smarter solution is to simply get a storage unit. You’ll get all the benefits of simplifying your life without having to do anything as dramatic as getting rid of everything you own. We’re not saying storage units equate to freedom, but there are a lot of happy overlaps between the two!



Ultimately, storage units provide options that you really can’t get from other places. Whether you’re travelling, moving, or want to simplify your life, storage units offer an ideal and affordable way to solve the issue at hand. If you’re looking for self storage facilities in Johannesburg, be sure to check out the options available from UCanStore. We have multiple locations around the city; all you need to get started is to hit the ‘Get a Quote’ button at the top of this page or give us a call.